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SUP Sections 13-15

  Section #13 with Betsey Curran August 27th, 2020 at 6:15am Rolling Bay Walk to Yaquina shore access, 1.25 hours After my last sunrise paddle, I couldn't think of a better way to spend the next section with my sister-in-law Betsey, also my husband's twin, and another one of my amazing Bosom Buddies.  Betsey has a positive outlook on overcoming breast cancer and does not take anything for granted in life, which is such an inspiration for me!   Who can blame me for picking another glorious summer morning to be on top of the smooth and glassy Puget Sound Salish Sea water?!  Brendan snapped this photo of us launching just before sunrise. I couldn't resist encouraging Betsey to try doing this 'downward dog' yoga pose on her SUP, as I snapped a photo of her with the sun rising over the Cascade Mountains.   Wow, right?!!  Our majestic Mt Rainer or also known as Tahoma, is often covered in clouds or a marine layer of moisture.  So, when it is in full view or 'Out'
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SUP Sections 9-12

Section #9 with Lisa Rose   August 9th, 2020 at 8:45am Little Manzanita to Reitan Road shore access, 1.25 hours This is Lisa, otherwise known as 'Fearless' by our group of New Moon Sistahs!  This name was given to her several years ago when we all randomly chose temporary tattoos with silly names to embody our individual characters, which sealed the deal for us Sistahs of the New Moon!  Maybe this is why I chose her to accompany me on my next section of SUP circumnavigation to paddle under the Agate Pass Bridge?!   Lisa, being a fearless leader, decided to also purchase a Body Glove SUP this summer, and learn to paddle on top of the water!  Our paddle began early on a Sunday morning on the northwest side of the Island, just before a high tide.  Floating on the surface of the water was a brown sludgy looking algae that develops in the NW summer waters due to increased temperatures.   Despite this algae obstacle obscuring my view of the marine life below my SUP, I was able to enc

SUP Sections 5-8

 The Map, of Course! For those of you who have never seen or studied a map of Bainbridge Island, this has been my guide for plotting my SUP course.  The red X's with circles around them are the launch and landing locations, along with notations on who accompanied me, the date, start time, and length of time it took to complete each section.  As you can see, I have currently completed twelve of the fourteen sections, with a final section I plan to complete on September 6th.  Friends and family will join me for my final paddle from Hawley Cove Park back to Strawberry Plant Park.      Section #5 with Karen Connors and Sue Constan July 14th, 2020 at 2:15pm The Ellis' to The Daniels house, 1.5 hours On July 14th, I set off with two SUP adventurists, Karen and Sue.  As you may recall, Karen agreed to accompany me on one of my SUP sections after our chance boat encounter the day of my maiden voyage.  I was also lucky enough to recruit Sue after running into her on the beach a couple w